

汽车大发888dafa< b > < / b >

买汽车大发888dafa可能很复杂. There are so many options, so much information, and too many choices.

If you get confused or miss a detail, it may lead to problems down the road and higher costs. 你有大发888dafa吗?? 你的大发888dafa在到期前还有时间吗? 谁对什么负责? 如果发生意外谁来赔偿? 要花多少钱? And if you don't like what you picked, you must start the whole process all over again.

中国共产党大发888dafa, an independent insurance agency dedicated to helping locals save money on their car insurance needs, 所有繁重的工作都适合你吗! We survey the entire market for the best coverage at the best rates while checking the small print that may cost you.

立即大发888dafa to see if we can help you with affordable car insurance or even save money on your current policy.


汽车大发888dafa是你在发生事故时的安全网. 简单地说, auto insurance is an agreement between a driver and an auto insurance company in which you agree to pay a certain amount monthly/annually and the insurer accepts to foot bills for any loss stated in your policy when it happens.

A good auto insurance provides medical, property ,and liability coverage.

让我们面对现实吧, 汽车大发888dafa是必需品, but it's not something you should put a lot of time or effort into. 在大俄克拉荷马州的CPC大发888dafa公司, we make it quick and easy to obtain auto insurance in Oklahoma City.

满足您需求的汽车大发888dafa & 预算

您正在寻找适合您需要的大发888dafa吗? CPC大发888dafa可以帮您在整个市场上购物. From liability claims to comprehensive coverage, 中国共产党大发888dafa has you covered.

We are here to help and provide the best car insurance in Oklahoma City while saving you money. 中国共产党大发888dafa will help make sure you are covered with the right amount of auto insurance at an affordable price.


  • 责任: Covers harm done to other people's property and any injuries they sustain while in an accident you caused.
  • 碰撞: Pays for damages to your vehicle after an accident, regardless of who is at fault.
  • 全面的: Covers damages to your vehicle from events such as fire, vandalism, and flood.
  • Medical: Pays for medical expenses related to injuries you sustain in an accident.
  • Uninsured motorist: Pays for damages if you're injured in an accident that's caused by a driver who doesn't have insurance.
  • 还有更多.

Call or visit today to find out how much you could save by switching to an independent agency. Our goal is to help our customers with every aspect of their insurance needs. 今天就让中国中保将这一理念付诸行动吧!


You may think you want the cheapest insurance you can find, but cheap isn't everything.

而大多数大发888dafa产品在价格和功能上大同小异, insurance providers vary when it comes to structuring a policy that properly covers you.

There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all insurance policy when it comes to your automobile.



Keep in mind that you can’t buy insurance after you have an accident. Carefully considering the position you may be in, if you should ever be in an accident, is important.

保证你的安全是我们的首要任务. That means making sure your policy can protect you as much as possible.

立即大发888dafa, 我们会告诉你你的选择, 建议适当的限制, 确保你得到应得的折扣.


万一发生损失,大发888dafa会保护你和你的财产, injury or damage; either caused by you, 或者是别人. 汽车大发888dafa通常包括以下保障:

  • 责任
  • 碰撞
  • 全面的


  • 医疗支付.
  • 紧急道路服务
  • 未投保/投保不足的驾驶者保障.


而大多数大发888dafa产品在价格和功能上大同小异, insurance providers vary when it comes to structuring a policy tailored to you.

毕竟, there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all insurance policy when it comes to your automobile.




是的. 当你把车借给别人的时候, it's your insurance policy that will cover the damage if they get in an accident. 司机要对任何损坏负责, but the owner of the car is responsible for covering the costs through their insurance.


When you lend your car to a friend, you lend them more than just your car. 你还把你的汽车大发888dafa借给他们. 只要有人在你允许的情况下开你的车, your car insurance will be the primary coverage in case of an accident.

这意味着如果一个放纵的司机出了车祸, your car insurance will cover the damage to the same extent as though you were driving it.

然而 there are some restrictions on permissive use depending on state laws, and these restrictions can change the way that your policy responds in the event of an accident.


Oklahoma has basic legal car insurance requirements for all drivers. 这些包括:

  • 财产损失责任-每人2.5万美元限额
  • 人身伤害责任——2.5万美元限额

If you are not sure whether or not your current policy meets these requirements, 问问你的代理或公司代表.


不,你在俄克拉何马州有基本的大发888dafa也能应付过去. 但是如果你的车是贷款或租赁的, 你的贷款人可能会要求你购买全额大发888dafa.


No. Oklahoma law requires that you have your auto insurance policy and registration from the same state.

如果你要搬到另一个州, you'll need to update your insurance so it's valid in the new state. This usually means getting a new car insurance policy from a company that does business in your new home state.

然而,也有一些例外. 如果你只是暂时住在另一个州, your current car insurance policy may still cover you for liability, 碰撞, 全面覆盖. 然而, if you plan to stay long-term or register a car in another state, you'll need to get a new policy from a company that's licensed to sell coverage in the new state.